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Memorial inscriptions
This list includes
the names of all for whom there are inscriptions in memoriam in the curtilage of the College, i.e.
This list does not include:
- inscriptions in Library books
- inscriptions on small moveable items such as silver, small furniture, pictures, etc.
- heraldry on the inside and outside of college buildings
- inscriptions made in the lifetimes of Benefactors
- memorial inscriptions at St Cross Church, Holywell - see this list
Almost all whose names are listed were members of the College, and in most cases detailed biographical data can be found in printed sources. Inscriptions are therefore not reproduced in full here; only facts not on record elsewhere or of special interest are noted. Quotation marks indicate actual words in the inscription; punctuation has been added to some of the quoted inscriptions to make them read more easily.
More memorials not within Balliol but concerning Balliol people are listed (not comprehensively) here.
Chapel Passage, West Wall
The names on the WWI Memorial in the Chapel Passage are arranged according to the year of entry into the College, with rank, unit, theatre and date of death. These details are given in the biographical accounts which appear in the Balliol College War Memorial Book, which also gives photographs of the men and of the Memorial. The names of German fatalities (eg Friedrich von Bethmann Hollweg, Balliol 1908, killed in action 1915) are not given, and there are other, accidental, omissions as well: see JM Winter, 'Balliol's Lost Generation', Balliol College Annual Record, 1975, 22.
- 1884
- Hugh James O'Beirne
- 1886
- Wallace Mackenzie le Patourel
Norman Bonham-Carter
- 1887
- Gustaf Oscar Roos
John Herbert Robertson
- 1890
- Morton Brown Paton
- 1891
- Ian Basil Gawen Temple Blackwood
Alexander George Boteville Thynne
- 1893
- Kenneth Rhodes Cobb
- 1894
- Henry Thomas Thomson
Edgar Wilmer Walker
- 1895
- Auberon Thomas Herbert (8th Baron Lucas and Dingwall)
- 1896
- Charles Percy Hill
- 1897
- Raymond Asquith Eldest son of HH Asquith, Prime Minister. Fellow of All Souls.
Charles Nettleton Dyer
- Ronald Young Herbert
Arthur Dukinfield Darbishire
Bruno Wolfgang Wahl
- 1898
- Samuel Francis Henderson Mackay
Alfred Cecil Gathorne-Hardy
Henry Joseph de Trafford
Alexander Fraser Everett
Aubrey Holmes
- 1899
- Harold Christopher Richmond
Lionel Pilleau Clay
Henry Langton Skrine
Arthur Nyton Peckham
Hugh Taylor
Christopher Gerard Goschen
- 1900
- Frederick Septimus Kelly Composer. Winner of the Diamond Sculls at Henley 1902, 3 and 5 (record).
Charles Justus Buch
- Edmund Lyndon Barnes
Henry Cave West
Humphrey Neville Dickinson
Garth Neville Walford VC Killed in action at Gallipoli.
Lancelot Barrington Crofts Tristram
- 1901
- Arthur Hugh Sidgwick
Edward Joseph Kylie
Stewart Barton Bythesea Dyer
Vivian George Starkey
Robert Montefiore Sebag-Montefiore
Richard Headley Montagu
Kenneth Mackenzie
- 1902
- Thomas George Rudolph Dehn
Bernard Valentine Clutterbuck
Guy Barclay Pollexfen
- 1903
- John Handyside
John William Ashley Maude
- 1904
- Norman Phillips Campbell
Arthur William Spring Cowie
William Fleming Peebles
John Maurice Hunter
John Douglas Henderson Radcliffe
Gerald Caldwell Siordet
- 1905
- John Rankine Brown
Francis Welsford Ward
Walter Scott Stuart Lyon
Francis Walter Stafford McLaren
Robert Scott Findlay
- 1906
- Charles Whitley
Druce Robert Brandt
John Craigie Cunningham
Charles Alfred Lister
Julian Henry Francis Grenfell Poet. Author of 'Into Battle'.
Edward William Horner
- Kenneth Myers
Ellis Hubert Gardiner
Lawrence Ughtred Kay-Shuttleworth
Walter John North Cheatle
Victor Annesley Barrington-Kennett
Mervyn Bournes Higgins
- 1907
- Robert Gibson
Fellow and Bursar.
Patrick Houston Shaw-Stewart Poet. Reckoned by his contemporaries the star of their generation.
Walter George Fletcher
Francis Charles Lacaita
Thomas Arthur Higginson
David Lyell
Stephen Lacy Reiss
Thomas Keith Hedley Rae
Edward Hamilton Westrow Hulse
Maurice Astley Knatchbull-Hugesson
- 1908
- Edward Norman Alison Finlay
William Allan Keen
Ronald William Poulton Palmer Captain of the England Rugby XV in 1914. Killed 1915, at Ploegsteert, and buried near there, but his original wooden grave-cross is in Holywell Cemetery.
Edmund Spencer Turton
John Walter Heinemann
John Dalrymple Champneys
Norman Crawford MacLehose
Edward Deaking Ashton
Edward James Kay-Shuttleworth
John Aidan Liddell VC Severely wounded while flying near Bruges, he nevertheless landed his machine safely half an hour later, but died after drastic surgery.
- 1909
- Gerald William Grenfell
Seymour Jacob Henry Van den Bergh
Drostan Arthur Cumine Russell
Wilfrid Gilbert Samuel
Richard Trelawny May
- 1910
- Arthur Graeme West
Charles Francis Purcell
John Brown
Reginald William Fletcher
John Nevile Manners
William Reginald Fitzthomas Wyley
John Norman Wilson
John Howat Lowden
- 1911
- Stephen Henry Philip Hewett
Arthur Lewis Jenkins
Aldred Eric Rawsthorn
Humphrey Marmaduke Chaplin
Alfred Balmforth
Robert Barbour Whyte
Robert Patrick Haldane
Walter Albert Lowy
Archibald Keltie Gilmour
Francis Chichester Tyrrell
Spencer Douglas Compton
Luke Frederick Rennell Coleridge
Roger Holinsworth Hall
Alexander Noel Hepburne Scott
William Ker
- 1912
- Arthur Innes Adam
Victor George Ursell
Ian Mackenzie
Ralph Dendy
Gordon Morley Hewart
Gerald Evelyn Shuldham Sewart
George Mitford Paddison
Alan Wallace
Andrew Hunter Herbertson
Alasdair Somerled Macdonell
David Westcott Brown
Basil William Edmund Hoyle
Eric Fox Pitt Lubbock
Edwin George Englesby Wright
Walter Marcus Valentine Edinger
William Hornby
John Francis Munster
Alastair Hunter Macfarlane
Geoffrey William Lockhart Falcon
Iorwerth Glyndwr John
- 1913
- John Francis Leather
Bernard Ashworth James
Herbert William Hitchcock
Rupert Caldwell Butler Fellowes
Lothian Basil Stevens
Peter James Alexander
Richard Parker Pinsent
Charles Wyndham Wynne
Bernard Francis Gotch Berrill
Andrew William Henderson
Gareth Hamilton Fletcher
Geoffrey Laird Jackson
Harold Stuart Gough
- 1914
- Alexander Brisbane Muir
Adrian Herbert Graves
Douglas William Arthur Nicholls
Charles Francis Hawkins
- 1915
- Henry Lester Smith
Vincent Aloysius Lyons
Cecil Henry Coxe
Ronald Howard Glover
- 1916
- Langdon Muirhead
- 1917
- Charles Edmund Bellord
- Admitted for 1914
- Denis Oliver Barnett
Bernard Nevill Rice
William Humphrey Hollins
Thomas Edward Sabine Pasley
Frank Cresswell
Eustace Bruce Burnside
Bertram Anthony Medley
Robert John Mead
- Admitted for 1915
- Francis Cecil Orr Twist
Henry Paul Mainwaring Jones
Ralph Seward
Frederick Raymond Milholland
Edward Horace Pember
Henry Stokes Richards
Harry Austin McCleave
Thomas Harvey Henderson
Ivo Allan Charteris
Gervase Anthony de Bless
Gilbert Austin Turner
Eustace Martin Sutton
Christian Harold Ernest Boulton
- Admitted for 1916
- William Lewis Brewerton
Arthur Percival Foley Rhys-Davids
John Haddow Young
John Morgan Blake
Charles Wilfrid Guthrie
- Admitted for 1917
- Innes d'Auvergne Stewart Stitt
Eric Alfred Whitehead
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Chapel Passage, over the Gate to the Fellows' Garden
There are three plaques side by side, numbered 1-3 here from the left, and another (4) below them.

Photograph by Ian Taylor for Balliol College, 2013.
Donald Patrick Shaw d. 1924 "Who died of injuries received in War".
Ezra Hancock, Under Porter 1878 - 1891. Head Porter 1891-1914. "A devoted servant of the College and the constant friend of all its members, Balliol men of many generations united to set up this token of their affection".
Joseph Edward Dodson d. 1918. Killed in action near Lille; apparently omitted from the main WWI Memorial in error.
"Servants of the College who fell in the War 1914-1919": Arthur Sidney Blay d. 1917 aged 42, Isaac George King d. 1918 aged 36, Frederick Simmons d. 1918 aged 18
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Chapel Passage, East Wall
The names on the WWII Memorial in the Chapel Passage are listed in alphabetical order, with five German dead added at the end of the main list.
- Sir Percy Alden, Killed by a flying bomb, 1943, aged 78.
George Edmund Allison
Albert John Gordon Anderson
Robert Norman Atkinson
John Graham Bergel
Evan Alexander Biss
Derek Edward Walter Blaikie
William Blair
Antony Peter George Bluett
Guy Rawstron Branch
Cloudesley Shovell Malcolm Brereton
Erick John Roderick Brotherton
Patrick Henry William Wauchope Buchan
Michael John Bulkeley
Cyril George Fox Cartwright
Thomas William Coghlin
Francis George Tims Collins
Neville Murray Collins
William Roy Montague Cressy-Marcks
Campbell Crichton-Miller
William Stafford Dalgety
Henry Whitcliffe Davies
Geoffrey Clinton Dawkins
William [Guillaume] Fernand Gabriel Ignace Marie Ghislain de Moreau, Balliol 1918. Priest, with the Belgian Army. Killed in action 1940.
Humphrey West James de Wend-Fenton
David Douglas-Hamilton
Robert John Heugh Drummond
Basil Sheridan, 4th Marquess of Dufferin and Ava
Andrew Duncan
Noel Howard Eldridge
Patrick Bryant Evans
Rudolf Julius Falck
Peter Geoffrey Farrant
Edward Norman Fitzmaurice [Lord Fitzmaurice]
Peter Geoffrey Francis
Alan MacArthur Fyfe
Oliver Gatty, Sometime Fellow. President of the JCR 1929. Killed in an accident on war research, 1940.
Harold Danvers Gilroy
Anthony Maurice Goldsmith
Neill Adrian Mounstuart Grant Duff
Rognvald William Gunn
Isaiah Halévy
Ernest Hartland
Peter Arundel Hay-Neave
Henry Graham Head
Norman Heather Hey
Christopher Bernard Hobhouse
Leslie Benjamin Holmes
John Cecil Hope
Eric Bertram Howard
Denys Hoyland
Douglas Hunter
Anthony Thorburn Irvine
William Michael Jackson
Lawrence Jones
David Dukinfield Kerr
Gordon Thompson Langley
Charles Hope, 7th Marquess of Lansdowne
Walter Lewy-Lingen (Landon), Born in Berlin. Refugee at Balliol. Killed at Arnhem, 1944.
Alexander Bertram Mackay Long
David James Theodore Lusk
Stuart Rennie Lyon
James Neil McGrigor
Norman Chrichton MacIver
Stanley MacLeod MacKintosh
Brendan McManus
Peter Christopher Irvine Bruce McNalty
James Gilbert Mann
James Gerald Marshall-Cornwall
Lewis Crommelin Masefield
Geoffrey Trelawney May
Duncan Campbell Menzies
Findlay Loudon Mills
Frederick Donald Mirrielees
Frank Bertram Mitford
Harry Mold, College Servant
Lionel Mosseri
Robert Balmain Mowat
Stanley Newton
Theodor Mervyn Niemeyer
Oswald Parker
Owen Donald Pratt
William Robert Ravie
Peter Michael Joseph Rawson
Richard Carew Reynell
Colin Philip Richardson
Jasper Maurice Alexander Ridley
Patrick Heron Thorold Rogers
John Alexander Russell
Michael Thomas Carey Sadler
Anthony Christopher Sedgwick
Patrick Hugh Shaw-Stewart
Richard Ughtred Paul [Kay-Shuttleworth], 2nd Baron Shuttleworth. Killed in the Battle of Britain, 1940.
Ronald Orlando Lawrence [Kay-Shuttleworth], 3rd Baron Shuttleworth, Succeeded his brother. Killed in action 1942.
Leonard Eaton Smith
Murray William Speight
Michael Alfred Spender
Paul Eyre Springman
Geoffrey Francis Dixon Stephen
Harley Charles Stumm DFC
John George Ramsay Sturrock
Frederick Penrose Tennyson
William Neville Sherriff Thomas
Frederick Harry Tiplady
Keith Stanley Toms
Miles William Vaughan-Jackson
Percy Don Walker
David John Wallace
Robert Wheldon
George Stevens Whitehead
John Whitmore Whiteman
Anthony O'Neill Willcox
Francis Edgar Williams
William Matthew [Palmer], Viscount Wolmer
Norman Andrew Thomson Young
William Elliott Young
Hans Clemens August Maria Adenauer, Killed in an air raid, 1944.
Claus von Bohlen und Halbach, Luftwaffe. Iron Cross.
Rudolf Olden, Anti-Nazi writer. Drowned en route to the USA, 1940.
Adam von Trott zu Solz, Executed 1944 for conspiracy to assassinate Hitler.
Kurt von Wilmowsky, Interned at Lingfield 1939. Drowned en route to the USA, 1940.
Ulrich Braun von Stumm (Balliol 1933) died on the Eastern Front, probably in a sacrificial unit (he was under arrest in 1944) in 1945, but his name does not appear on the memorial.
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Antechapel, over the Organ Loft Door
Hubert Howard d. 1898
"To Hubert Howard, son of George 9th Earl of Carlisle and Rosalind his wife. Late Commoner of this College, Barrister at law. This monument is erected by some of the many who loved him. His daring spirit made him a leader among his contemporaries both at College and in after life. His love of action led him to make his way to the Camp of the Insurgents in Cuba to serve in the Matabele and Mashona wars and to accompany the Anglo Egyptian army to the Soudan as correspondent to the Times. He was killed at the battle of Khartoum. September 2nd 1898. His grave is in the desert near Omdurman." With a circular bronze portrait plaque above. This memorial may be by Eric Gill.
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Antechapel, North Wall
There are twenty plaques, arranged in four columns of five; numbered here left to right in each horizontal row starting top left.
George Uglow Pope d.1908
James Oswald Fairfax d.1928
Ambrose Mavrogordato d.1909, aged 31.
Clinton Edward Dawkins d.1905
Lewis Campbell d.1908 - "For more than forty years the friend of Benjamin Jowett." "Died at Brissago, Lago Maggiore."
Overton Fallis Kershaw d.1930 Died in the Pyranees, aged 22.
Edward Wolfe Murray d.1899. "Second son of the late TJ Murray Esq and of Lady Elliott. Lost in the wreck of the Stella (off the Casquets), nobly striving to save others rather than himself, 30 March 1899 aged 22."
(a) John Roger Low d.1906. The Balliol College Register says he died of enteric fever at Banda, 17 March 1907.
(b) John Cecil Tritton d.1907. The Balliol College Register gives his date of death as 6 August 1905.
John Andrew Doyle d.1907. There was a plaque in All Souls Chapel ("temporarily in store, 1997": Oxford Historical Society, NS XXXVI, 69) recording that he died at Pendarren, Breconshire, 4 August 1907.
Charles Stewart Loch d.1923
Douglas Percy Hopkins d.1902. Died in Malay, aged about 26 (born 20 August 1876).
Charles Arthur Reiss d.1907
George Osborne Morgan d.1897
James Alexander Richey d.1931. Died at sea.
Raymond Melville Portal d.1893."Died of fever at Kampala while serving with the British Mission to Uganda May 27 1893 aged 36."
Louis Dyer d.1908
Dermot Samuel Richard Chenevix Trench d.1909, aged 27. In the Balliol College Register as Richard Samuel Dermot Chenevix Trench.
Ernest Lewis Matthews d.1941. Died in South Africa.
Thomas Clive Strachey d.1907. Died at Oxford, aged 19. "His ashes are buried at Chew Magna in the grave of his grandfather, Sir Edward Strachey."
Richard Powell Francis d.1893."The first Australian student at Balliol, who by his unselfishness and public spirit in the College, by his work at the earliest settlement in East London, and afterwards as a Master at Brisbane Grammar School, was an influence for good on many. He was born in 1860, matriculated 1879, and died in 1893, giving his life to help others in the Great Flood at Brisbane."
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Antechapel, East Wall
Across the full width of the wall is an inscription commemorating Richard Jenkyns, d.1854. He was Master 1819-1854, and also Dean of Wells 1845-1854. Buried in Wells Cathedral. His widow had St Thomas's Church, Wells, built as a memorial to him.
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Antechapel, East Wall, left
There are twenty recesses for plaques in two rows of ten; numbered here 1-10 from the left starting top left and continuing bottom right 11 and so on. Those commemorated in this section were all Fellows, Lecturers etc.
John Ewan Frazer d.1927. Died in a skiing accident, Davos.
John Wellesley Russell d.1922
Henry Hensman Gibbon d.1928. Died in Baluchistan, en route to his daughter's wedding.
Henry William Carless Davis d.1928
William Ross Hardie d.1916
William Henry Forbes d.1914
Francis de Paravicini, Baron Paravicini d.1920
William Markby d.1914
William Lambert Newman d.1923. Fellow for 69 years.
Francis Fortescue Urquhart d.1934. Buried in Wolvercote Cemetery.
(a) Duncan Campbell Macgregor d.1939
(b) John Alexander Smith d.1939
(c) Oliver Gatty d.1940
(a) Edward Hilliard d.1940
(b) Augustus Cecil Hare Duke d.1943
(c) Thomas Wentworth Pym d.1945
(a) Benedict Humphrey Sumner d.1951
(b) Kenneth Norman Bell d.1951
(c) Arthur Wallace Pickard-Cambridge d.1952
(a) Hugh William Bell Cairns d.1952. Buried in Holywell Cemetery.
(b) Charles Stewart Orwin d.1955
(c) James Andrew Gunn d.1958
(a) John Henry Constantine Whitehead d.1960
(b) Alexander Bankier Rodger d.1961
(c) Theodore Henry Tylor d.1968
(a) Maurice Roy Ridley d.1969
(b) Thomas Ralph Merton d.1969
(c) Marcus William Dick d.1971
(a) Harold Brewer Hartley d.1972
(b) Philip Raymond Allison d.1974
(c)Harold Hugh Keen d.1974
(a) James Coutts Maxwell d.1976. Killed in a road accident on Headington Hill.
(b) John Norman Bryson d.1976
(c) Donald James Allan d.1976
(a) Richard William Hunt d.1979
(b) Francis Leader MacCarthy-Willis-Bund d.1980. Buried at Combe.
(c) William Alexander Waters d.1985
(a) Thomas Balogh d.1985
(b) Russell Meiggs d.1989
(c) Jacobus Stephanus de Wet d.1995
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Antechapel, East Wall, right
There are twenty recesses for plaques in two rows of ten; they are numbered here 1-10 from the left, starting top left and continuing bottom left with number 11. This group are all Honorary Fellows or Benefactors or both.
Herbert Henry Asquith, Earl of Oxford and Asquith d. 1928. By Eric Gill (as are several other plaques, probably).
Edward Grey, Viscount Grey of Fallodon d. 1933
Alfred Milner, Viscount Milner d. 1925
George Nathaniel Curzon, Marquess Curzon of Kedleston d. 1925
Robert Threshie Reid, Earl Loreburn d. 1923
James Hozier, Baron Newlands d. 1929
Thomas Allnutt, Earl Brassey d. 1919
Charlotte Byron Green [née Symonds] d. 4 September 1929, aged 87.
Arthur Higgs d. 1915
Andrew Cecil Bradley d. 1935. Buried in Holywell Cemetery.
John William Mackail d. 1945
12-18 Blank
(a) Edward Vincent Quinn d.1996
(b) Kenneth William Allen d.1997
(c) Peter Brian Whalley d.2000
(a) Edgar Trevor Williams d.1995
(b) Peter Bingham Hinchliff d.1995
(c) Ronald Percy Bell d.1996
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Antechapel, South Wall
There are eleven memorials of irregular size and style, numbered here from the top, reading rows left to right.
1. Edward Cooper Woolcombe d. 1880 |
2. Charles Barrack, b. 1861, d. 1891 Balliol College Register. "In memoriam Caroli Barrack A:M: olim in hoc Collegio commensalis deinde praelectoris...". |
3. John Parsons d. 1819 Master 1798-1819. Bishop of Peterborough 1813-1819. Buried in the Chapel. His widow, Elizabeth (whom he married at St Aldate's Church in 1798 as Miss Elizabeth Parsons, probably a cousin), was buried beside him in 1827, but there is no surviving inscription for her. |
4. William Henry Pendarves Rowe, b. 1857, d. 1880 |
5. Hay Sweet Escott d. 1910 |
6. Thomas Collett Sandars d. 1894, aged 70. |
7. Wilfrid Graham Gibson d. 1887 Born Angaston, S. Australia, 15 December 1867; drowned in the Avon near Warwick, 5 August 1887. |
8. Clarence Sinclair Collier d. 1879 "The dear and only child of Colonel Clarence Collier and Anne his wife, who was drowned in the River Isis at Sandford, June 1879, aged 19 years". |
9. "Three members of the College whose graves are in South Africa." (a) Claud George Grenfell d. 1900 Killed at Spion Kop. (b) Francis Walter Galpin d. 1900 Killed in action at Lindley. (c) George Warrington Steevens d. 1900 Died of enteric fever during the Siege of Ladysmith. |
10. Andrew Walter Mulholland d. 1877 "He died in Paris, June 2nd 1877 on his wedding tour, aged 24". |
11. William Herbert Milne d. 1884, aged 20 |
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Antechapel, West Wall
There are eight memorials of irregular size and style, arranged 1-4 (from the top downwards) as a vertical column on the left, and 6-8 as a vertical column on the right, with 5 between the columns.
1. Thomas Gwillym d. 1684. Of the Middle Temple; eldest son of William Gwillym Esq. of Langstone, Hereford; "uxorem hab--t" [whether this refers to father or son seems ambiguous] Elizabeth, only daughter and heiress of William Mathews Esq. of Poftelefse [reads sic], Hereford. Died 13 Nov 1684, aged 34. Brother of James Gwillym, Fellow, who had him buried in the Chapel, under the seats of the Junior Commoners. Latin Register. |
2. George Powell d. 1830. Senior Fellow. Memorial placed by his brother, Thomas Powell Esq. He was the last to be buried in the Chapel.
3. William Stratford Dugdale d. 1882. Of Merevale Hall, Warwicks, "Who lost his life through an attempt to save others in a colliery fire".
4. John Evet d. 1675. "Subtus iacet ....", but the stone has been moved from its original position, which is unrecorded. Only son of Henry Evet Esq., of Woodhall, Hallow, Worcs. Commoner, died 13 May 1675, aged 21.
5. John Richardson Currer d. 1840, aged 20. Drowned at Sandford.
6. Thomas Hill Green d. 1882
7. (a) Christopher Knox Sullivan d. 1958, aged 22 (b)
Colonel A.J. Sullivan, father of the above, d. 7 February 1981. Benefactor.
8. John Fergus Weir d. 1959, aged 22.
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Antechapel, Floor
There are two large floor brasses
John Billingsley Seymour d. 1843, aged 21. "Obiit apud Civitatem Aemonam [Aemona, in former Yugoslavia] Illyricam...".
James Riddell d. 186
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Chapel, North Wall
There are four memorial tablets (1-3 and 5) and a memorial sculpture (4), numbered here starting from the left.
1. James Gylby Lonsdale d. 1892 
2. Edward Cardwell d. 1886
Edward Elder d. 1858
John Wickens d. 1873
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley d. 1881
Arthur Hugh Clough d. 1861
Stafford Henry Northcote d. 1887
Constantine Estlin Prichard d. 1869
Matthew Arnold d. 1888
Henry JS Smith d. 1883
Alexander Grant d. 1884
Herbert Coleridge d. 1861
Benjamin Collins Brodie d. 1880
Hugh Pearson d. 1882
William Spottiswoode d. 1883
President of the Royal Society.
Thomas Hill Green d. 1882 Buried in St Sepulchre's Cemetery.
George Rankine Luke d. 1862
Drowned in the Isis.
John Purves d. 1889
Arnold Toynbee d. 1883
3. John Conroy d. 1900 Died in Rome.
Evelyn Abbott d. 1901
4. Benjamin Jowett d. 1893. Master 1870-1893. Sculpture by Onslow Ford. Buried in St. Sepulchre's Cemetery.

Richard Lewis Nettleship d. 1892. Died on Mont Blanc. Buried at Chamonix.
"He loved great things, and he thought little of himself: desiring neither fame nor influence, he won the devotion of men and was a power in their lives; and, seeking no disciples, he taught many the greatness of the world and of man's mind."
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Chapel, South Wall
There are nine tablets, numbered here starting from the left; 5 and 6 are beneath 4.
- David Lindsay Keir d. 1973 Master 1949-1965.
- Arthur Lionel Smith d. 1924 Master 1916-1924. Buried in Holywell Cemetery.
- Alexander Dunlop Lindsay, Lord Lindsay of Birker d. 1952 Master 1924-1949.
- William Young Sellar d. 1890, Alexander Craig Sellar d. 1890. These two were brothers.
- Edward Caird d. 1908. Master 1893-1907. Buried in St Sepulchre's Cemetery.
- James Leigh Strachan Davidson d. 1916. Master 1907-1916. Buried in Holywell Cemetery.
- Archibald Campbell Tait d. 1882. Archbishop of Canterbury.
- Theodor Walrond d. 1887
- Francis Richard John Sandford, Lord Sandford of Sandford d. 1893
Lindsay |
Sellar |
Caird |
Strachan Davidson |
Tait |
Walrond |
Sandford |
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Chapel Windows
The ancient inscriptions in the Chapel windows, which are now all fragmentary, recorded gifts by then living Benefactors and are thus not in memoriam, but there is one, which is beneath the several times restored St Catherine window on the south side: it records the restoration of the window by Robert "Comes" Loreburn (Robert Threshie Reid, Earl Loreburn) "In Memoriam Aemilia uxoris... obiit anno domini mcmiv" (Emily Douglas, daughter of Captain Arthur Cecil Fleming; Loreburn's first wife).
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Chapel Burials for which no Inscription survives
The customary burial place for members of the College who died in residence before the mid-nineteenth century was in or around the Parish Church of St Mary Magdalen. Only a dozen or so burials in the College Chapel are recorded. For some there were memorials which were preserved (but moved) when the present Chapel was built: they are now in the Antechapel. The following cases are also known. The list is probably incomplete.
Henry Savage d.1672. Master. Buried at the foot of the altar steps. Latin Register; Wood (ed. Gutch). Not mentioned in the Parish Register.
John Sweeting d. 1673. Fellow Commoner. Eldest son of John Sweeting Esq. of Thorncomb. Latin Register; Wood (ed. Gutch). Not mentioned in the Parish Register.
John Good d. 1676. Senior Fellow. Wood (ed. Gutch) gives details but the Latin Register gives only his death. The Parish Register does not record his burial at all.
Robert Cross d. 1685. Fellow. Son of Andrew Cross of Broomfield. Died 3 February 1684/5. Buried in the Chapel, on the north side, 6 February 1684/5. Latin Register; Wood (ed. Gutch). The Parish Register records his burial, but not that it was in Balliol Chapel.
Nicholas Crouch d. 1686. Senior Fellow. Died 23 July 1690, "sub Aetate Laborans" and buried in the interior part of the Chapel. Latin Register. His burial is also recorded in the Parish Register, but without any indication that it was in Balliol Chapel.
Roger Mander d. 1704. Master. There was a gravestone in the Antechapel. His burial in the Chapel is not recorded in the Latin Register but is, as such, in the Parish Register. Parish Register; Wood (ed. Gutch).
John Baron d.1722. Master. There was a gravestone in the Antechapel. Hearne; Wood (ed. Gutch.). His burial is not recorded in the Parish Register or in the Latin Register.
Elizabeth Parsons d. 1827. By special permission of the College, her remains were "interred in the vault which contains those of her lamented husband." English Register.
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Porters' Lodge
There are three plaques in the Fellows' Post Room.
- Ezra Hancock,"Under Porter 1878, Head Porter 1891, Died 29 November 1914. A better friend had no man."
- Cyril King, "Head Porter 1929-55. For 42 years faithful servant of the College."
- (a) Jack Chapman,"Head Porter 1955-1975."
(b) Ray [Raymond V.] North d. 1993,"Head Porter 1975-1986." Formerly JCR Steward for many years.
Also, by the reception window, the British Empire Medal of Bert [Albert Edward] Blagrove 1902-1986, in a case with a small plaque.
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Cellar Passage between the Front Quad and the Garden Quad
Outside the Clerk of Works' office is a plaque: "Sam Symons, Cycleman, 1960 - 1982. Much loved, a friend to all". He is buried at Garsington.
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Library Staircase
Outside the Old Dean's Room is a plaque "This was for many years the room of Francis Leader MacCarthy-Willis-Bund, Chaplain, Fellow and Dean of Balliol". In fact it was only his room for a few years at the end of his career.
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Lost Inscriptions in the Library Stained Glass
Wood (ed. Gutch) recorded several exhortations to pray for the souls of Benefactors. Many armorial panels survive, but all the inscriptions have long been lost.
Robert Abdy d. 1483. Master. Built part of the Library. Buried in St Mary Magdalen Church.
John Burton. Fellow, ca. 1467. Living 1495. Dead by 1499.
Thomas Chace d. 1449. Master around 1415. Built part of the Library.
Nicholas Herbury d. 1428. Archdeacon of Gloucester.
John Patrick. Sometime Valet of the Wardrobe to Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester.
John de Balliol d. 1268. Founder of the College.
John Herys. Possibly John Harris, Yeoman Bedel of Theology, elected 1441.
John Spense. Probably John Spence, who was a Fellow in 1459. Died 25 September 1485. Buried in Quainton Church (of which he was Rector), Bucks. Memorial Brass.
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Master's Lodgings
On the Broad Street wall there is an inscription (ca. 1980): "Opposite this point near the cross in the middle of Broad Street, Hugh Latimer one time Bishop of Worcester, Nicholas Ridley Bishop of London, and Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury, were burnt for their faith in 1555 and 1556".
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Staircase X
On the outside of the building (the Fisher Building) beneath the central first floor window is the inscription, "VERBVM/ NON AMPLIVS/ FISHER". The same inscription was on a brass memorial (now lost) to Henry Fisher, donor of the building, died 1773, in Bere Regis Church, where he was Vicar 1725-1773.
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Staircase XII
There are two plaques.
- Adrian Glen, "This staircase was renovated in 1986 in memory of Adrian Glen, 1939-1983." On the ground floor.
- Noel Eldridge, " Noel Eldridge. Born 25 December 1918, Domus Scholar 1937, killed in Italy 26 September 1944." Over the door to Room 8.
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Junior Common Room, TV Room
Above the door into the JCR Norway Room is a plaque inscribed "The amenities of this room are the gift of his friends, in memory of Christopher Knox Sullivan (Williams Exhibitioner 1955-1958)".
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Staircase XVI
There is a plaque inside the door of the present Law Library on the first floor: "This room is called the Russell Room in memory of John Wellesley Russell, Mathematics Tutor of the College, 1893 - 1922. An untiring and successful teacher who taught many generations of Balliol men within these walls." There is also a plaque on the west wall of the Law Library: "The Tylor Library, named in memory of Sir Theodore Tylor, 1900 - 1968, who, as Scholar, Fellow, Tutor in Jurisprudence and Estates Bursar spent fifty years in dedicated service to the College."
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Staircase XVIII
There are two plaques on the first floor landing.
- Henry Cecil Dale. "In Memory of Henry Cecil Dale, a faithful servant of the College for thirty-two years, who worked on this staircase from 1907-1932."
- William Turner. "William Turner, devoted servant of the College for forty years, was scout on this staircase from 1932 until his retirement in 1967."
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Garden Quad
There is a curved wooden seat (1) in the corner of the Fellows' Garden and several smaller straight seats which do not have fixed locations. All have memorial inscriptions.
- Thomas Patteson Moss d. 1936.
His death, probably murder, remains an unsolved mystery.
- James Bruce Sandilands, Lord Torpichen. "Given in his memory by his wife Pamela."
- John Myatt d. 1989.
He died suddenly in his College room aged 21.
- Ronald Slack d. 1972
- Stephen Temple d. 1975.
He died after a long illness.
- Ajaykumar Mansukhal Chotai d. 1994. "Ajay. You will live in our hearts always. 1971-1994." A little plaque, not fixed, by a rose bush in the garden, near the Garden Quad crossroads, 1999. He died tragically at Holywell Manor, aged 22.
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Holywell Manor
On the wall of the main hallway is a stone tablet: "To the memory of Kenneth Norman Bell M.C. M.A., Fellow of Balliol, 1914 - 1941, whose creative imagination and quenchless energy inspired the establishment of Holywell Manor. Given by Balliol Men for the use and enjoyment of their successors".
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Holywell Manor Garden
On the north-facing wall between the garden and the cemetery there are three inscribed stone tablets (1-3 from left to right) recording burials in vaults on the south side of the wall (where there are less informative inscriptions in Latin). The tablets are (1999) eroded and difficult to read.
Liza, daughter of George Hargreave Esq. of Cuddeson , died St Peter's Day 1872, aged 81.
John William Burgon, Dean of Chichester, died 4 August 1888.
Thomas Burgon Esq., died 28 August 1838, aged 71 and Catherine Margaret, "his incomparable", only daughter of Chevalier Ambrose H. de Cramer, sometime Austrian Consul at Smyrna, who died 7 September 1834; and their youngest child, named after her mother, who died 28 April 1836, aged 7½ , and whose remains were brought here after 31 years and put in a separate vault beside them.
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Dellal Building
Just inside the main entrance, to the left, is a plaque: "In memory of Suzanne Dellal, 1956 - 1981".
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Boat House
There are three plaques: 1 and 2 are on the ground floor, west wall, by the step ladder to the first floor; 3 is in the front room on the first floor, by the door through to the back room.
- Ernest Charles Robinson
"In Memoriam Ernest Charles Robinson ('Robin'), Waterman 1904-1939, a loyal friend and generous benefactor of the Boat Club."
- Edgar James Holton
"In Memory of Edgar James (Ted) Holton, Waterman 1947-1970."
- Kenneth Norman Bell and others
Dated May 1959, this plaque records that "Balliol men subscribed towards this building in memory of Kenneth Bell and of other members of the Boat Club including ... ":
- R Carter, d. 1936.
JL Coolidge, d. 1954.
JDH Radcliffe, d. 1915
JW Heinemann, d. 1916
AE Rawsthorn, d. 1915
RCB Fellowes, d. 1918
HWB Cairns, d. 1952
DJT Lusk, d. 1940
GH Craig Sellar, 1929
CW Tomkinson, d.1939
MB Higgins, d. 1916
RW Fletcher, d. 1914
RH Hall, d. 1917
GES Sewart, d. 1916
A Lang, d. 1929
W Hicks (Waterman, until 1904)
WP Ker, d. 1916
HH Jenkyns, d.1947
WB Menzies, d. 1935
RP Haldane, d. 1915
VG Ursell, d. 1917
AR MacEwen, d. 1916
B MacManus, d. 1942
EC Robinson (Waterman, 1904 - 1939)
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The names below are listed on the WWI Memorial of Keith Rae House, the base of Balliol Boys Club until ca. 1970, when the house was compulsorily purchased and demolished. The Memorial, a painted wooden board, was saved by the Dean (FLM Willis Bund) and survives in the Archives (MISC 32 = OS.49).
Members of the College who helped run the Club are distinguished here (not on the memorial) by · . The full names and details of the Balliol men can easily be found in the Balliol College War Memorial Book; many of the others can be found in the Commonwealth War Graves Commission database. NB Balliol College does not hold personal information about any of the boys who were members of the Boys' Club - i.e. those listed below who are not denoted by ·.
- Arthur Adam ·
Sidney Alder
Albert Bennett
Robert Brandt ·
David Brown ·
Ernest Buckland
Fred Buckland
Arthur Church
Will Clack
Spencer Compton ·
Jack Cowles
Albert Drewitt
Fred Hall
Andrew Henderson ·
Stephen Hewitt ·
Sam Holloway
Frank Hunt
Fred Hutchings
Richard Hymus
Charles Jaycock
James S. Mann: "Mesopotamia 1920" ·
Albert Mills
Richard Pinsent ·
Ronald Poulton ·
James Prowse
Robert Radbone
Keith Rae ·
Frank Randall
Stephen Reiss ·
Thomas Sims
Stanley Slatter
Frank Slatter
Harold Smith
Tom Smith
Mannie Thomas
Reg Wakelin
Graeme West ·
Fred Woodley
Ted Read
Archives MISC 70 is a brass plaque in memory of AA Clive, died 1883, which was probably by the west end window of the Chapel until the organ was placed there.
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Compiled with the help of Luke Bradley-Jones, Caleb Wright, and Sarah Johnson, December 1998 - April 1999.
© Copyright John Jones
- John Jones